Stop human trafficking

Stop human trafficking Are you a victim of human trafficking or sexual exploitation or any other crime? PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ is an adult advertising platform. We have created a website for people to add  adult dating profiles. We have 0 tolerance for sexual abuse. However PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ does not monitor / edit or review the content by any way. All information is entered by independent 3rd party users. We are just a technical storage platform for user generated content. Customers play a big part in stopping human trafficking. If you see somebody who might need help or an advertising which shows underage person please notify the police and us.   * Don´t be afraid to contact the police. The Police in Czech Republic will help you! Police in Czech Republic - or number 158 * If you have encountered an escort or other sex worker who you believe may be trafficked, exploited or underage, we would strongly encourage you to do the right thing and report your suspicions to the police immediately.  Clients play an important role in stopping sex trafficking and exploitation in Czech Republic. Please do your part! * PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ  has 0 tolerance for human trafficking and all illegal advertisements will be deleted and information provided to the police PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ saves all the IP's of the users. All signs and information about the illegal activity will be forwarded to the police. All advertisements that contain content that is against the law, will be deleted. PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ helps to fight against human trafficking and prohibits all advertisements that contain information about people who are exploited, or forced.  On top of notifying police about illegal advertisements PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ has the right to claim legal action against anyone who has violated our terms of use. For police inquires : please send e-mail to PRAGUEADULTGUIDE.CZ.