Massage is the oldest form of therapy. In total, more than a hundred types of massages based on different cultural foundations are described, while individual types of massages can also intertwine with each other.
From this diverse range, masseuses from chose erotic massage as the main and, for now, the only range of services provided.
What is an erotic massage, what does it include and what does it fundamentally exclude, is it perhaps close to tantric massages, what can I expect and what should I prepare for? – may be questions that are running through your head right now. Let's answer these questions step by step.
Erotic massage is basically based on the principles of classical massage. It focuses on the whole body, muscle relaxation and overall regeneration, but unlike a classic massage, it emphasizes inducing excitement and stimulating the senses. A significant part of the total length of the massage is devoted to the massage of intimate parts, and therefore several manual climaxes occur during or at the end of the massage.
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